Sunday, March 29, 2009

March Warm up

Hi Everyone,
We have a very busy March and lots of late winter sickness which has been a huge drag for everyone. We all got the dreaded cold that has been hanging around the schools for ages and we all went down pretty bad with it. We took Steph for an appointment at the Toronto Sick Kids Hospital and the Docs there decided she neede a whole new drug regime which has involved weekly injections of Methotrexate which can make her sick as well as many other things so we have been dealing with that. She has beeen a trooper as usual about it and she has felt better the Doc we see is Aussie and knows our Aussie Doc in Sydney which is very encouraging.
We also have had lots of school work to do I have had progress reports to get done and lots of marking there is so much to do here, everything you hand out to the students you have to mark and they expect you to, so they have about 50 assessment marks on their reports, its crazy. Anyway we have been pretty busy with school and Wagner Lake socialising.
The weather has now warmed up to balmy 5 - 12 degree days, which doesn't seem very warm to you guys but its actually a bit like our warmer winter days so its very weird, and the most of the snow has melted its particularly ugly around at the moment all brown and dead. Apparently the ground doesn't defrost till mid May which seems so far away its very strange.
Hope everyone is well

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