Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer on Wagner Lake

We have had a wonderful start to summer, their summer starts on June 21st weird eh?? Anyway it has been very warm this week and we have had some great parties in the neighbourhood lately, everyone who has a lake front property has an amazing park like area in front of their houses and its lovely in the evenings, they are set up really well for summer here.
These are photos of our friend Denises birthday and the summer solstice party at our friend Lyns house as usual most of the neighbourhood was there drinking beer and generally having a good time, everyone asks us what we are busy doing here on the weekends well this is about it we are having a wonderful time with the neighbours its lots of fun and they are wonderful people, they have really made us feel very welcome.
We have been out on their boats this week and doing lots of swimming in the lake its quite warm now, not the sea but quite refereshing all the same. James has been happy because he has got to do some skiing and wakeboarding and Steph has been her usual waterbaby and spending every spare minute in the water. The lake is fresh water and cleaned by a flow through stream.
Kids are now finished school for the summer get this 10 weeks off and I finish school on Monday, Kevin is finished tomorrow and then we get organised for our big trip.
Well just wanted to touch base with everyone before we are of on Monday for 5 weeks so will hopefully get to put lots of photos up along the way.

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