Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Calgary Stampede Day Yeh Hah!!!

Well today we head into Calgary with Sandy and Wayne to see the famous Calgary Stampede they say 1.2 million people come to Calgary to go to the Stampede each year. It was much like the Sydney Royal Easter Show lots of animals, cowboys, rides and junk food. A speciality of Canada is the Corn Dog as well as Funnel Cakes, and Elephant Ears, all deep fried of course. We see here the cattle dogs with their sheep herding skills, probably the most frustrating thing I have ever watched in my life, it was much more fun with "Babe". The kids thought it was quite funny.
We then take a walk through the many stalls and pavillions, see marching bands, lots of cowboys with funny hats on and then onto the Rodeo. Having never seen a Rodeo before I wasn't quite prepared to watch grown men risk their lives on crazy animals that in my opinion tried to attack them whenever they could. It was quite an eye opener, they were very clever and did an excellent job of staying on the crazy animals for 8 seconds. We also saw Cowboys catch and rope steers and calves, as well as cowgirls riding around barrells and kids trying to jump on wild donkeys, it was a real laugh and lots of fun.
A few beers were very much needed by the time we got home.
When we get home Steph and James have a chance to ride Sandys horse Toad a lovely gently appaloosa, this really made their day.


Gaye said...

I have heard heaps about this, lucky you could go. We saw a sign for deep fried oreos in Las Vegas! You are getting closer.

Anonymous said...

This looks like great fun. Emily loves horses and enjoys the whole rodeo concept.